That is why we dont accept payment after delivery any more.
We thought that all gamers would be honest people. We were wrong!
Heareth the curse!
These persones did not pay.
Do not play with them. Their Gamerboard is accursed!
Our mage has cursed them, their dice and their board! They will only roll epic fails. Their chars will die like flies, every gamemaster will loathe them and their teammates will despise them. They will not be envited to gaming evenings no more and will die of grief, despair and roleplay withdrawal.
################################# - Deutschland.
################################# - Deutschland.
################################# - Deutschland.
################################# - Österreich.
################################# - Deutschland.
################################# - Deutschland.
################################# - Deutschland.
UPDATE: All crossed out payed... finally,. Some after months! But the world of gamers is almost okay again. The curses below have been suspended. But we still insist on payment in advance. Gamers might not be crooks but some can be very, very lazy and our nerves are not strong enough for that.