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Game Master - Magnetic whiteboard.
Transparent grid. Holding frame.

GAMERBOARD Universal Game Board for

  • Pen and paper role play games (RPG).
  • Tabletop miniature games.
  • Strategy games (Consim).
(Available in Various Sizes / Versions)

Magnetic Whiteboard with Grids

  • Visualize the game situation.
  • Game grid. Taktic-Map.
  • Insert grids, drawings and maps and fasten them with the holding frame.

Our SHOP specializes in:


Gamer, GAMERBOARD in action
Pen and paper role play games (RPG)
Gamer, GAMERBOARD in action Gamer, GAMERBOARD in action

Decision-making aid: Can I use a GAMERBOARD?

How it Works (Step by step)

Transparent Grids

Writable transparent sheets with grids:

Our SHOP specializes in:




  • Visualize game situation with drawing.
  • Writable with whiteboard markers.
  • Writing removable.
Whiteboard, GAMERBOARD in action
Whiteboard, GAMERBOARD in action Whiteboard, GAMERBOARD in action

Our SHOP specializes in:

Magnetic Board

Magnetic Board

  • Show position of chars with magnets.
  • Nothing gets out of place.
  • The magnets stay put in every position. Even upside down.

Our SHOP specializes in:

Game grid, Protection and Frame for Maps

Game grid, Protection and Frame for Maps

  • Put a grid over prefabricated maps or your own drawings.
  • The transparent sheets protect the maps and are writable.
  • Make every drawing a map with grid.
  • Maps and map tiles do not get out of place.
  • Grids also available on paper.
Writable transparent sheets with grids:
Writable transparent sheets with grids: Writable transparent sheets with grids:

Our SHOP specializes in:

Available in Various Sizes / Versions

Available in Various Sizes / Versions

  • Sizes: DIN A3, A2 and A1.
  • Rounded or mitred corners
  • Aluminium or coloured frame.

GAMERBOARD: Compatible Accessories for pen and paper (RPG), tabletop miniature games, strategy games (consim/cosim).

How it Works (Step by step)

Demovideo 1

Demovideo 2 (Youtube)

Our SHOP specializes in:

Photo Gallery, Demo Videos, Press & Reviews

Photo Gallery - Fotos our customers sent us.

Photo Gallery

Demo Videos


Demo Video 1


Demo Video 2 (YouTube)

DE Deutsch   /   English EN



Review and demo by

Johnn Four (YouTube) CAN



Review and demo at

Late Nerd TV (YouTube) DE


Review and demo by

Luca Scelza (YouTube) IT

Press & Reviews

Gaming News

Compatible Accessories



  • Neodym. Extra strong.
  • Suitable for the GAMERBOARD.
  • Colored Buttons and pawns.
  • Self-adhesive magnets for miniatures.
Magnetic buttons 12 mm
Magnets Magnets

Our SHOP specializes in:

Transparent Grids

Transparent Grids

  • Make every drawing a map with grid.
  • Hexagonal and quadratic.
  • Various grid sizes.
  • Writable with whiteboard markers.
  • Writing erasable.
  • Also available without Gamerboard.
Transparent Grids

Our SHOP specializes in:

Various background images available.

Various background images available.

Various background images available.
Various background images available. Various background images available.

Our SHOP specializes in:

Product Details

  • A3-Board
    Ideal for pen and paper (RPG).

    Outside dimensions: 463 x 340 mm
    Internal dimensions: DIN A3, 420 x 297 mm
    Internal dimensions 2: 402 x 279 mm

    For pen and paper (RPG), tabletop miniature games, strategy games (consim/cosim).

    Outside dimensions: 637 x 463 mm
    Internal dimensions: DIN A2, 594 x 420 mm
    Internal dimensions 2: 576 x 402 mm

    Ideal for tabletop miniature games and strategy games (consim/cosim)

    Outside dimensions: 884 x 637 mm
    Internal dimensions: DIN A1, 841 x 594 mm
    Internal dimensions 2: 823 x 576 mm
    Do 24 x 30 inch maps fit into a A1 GAMERBOARD?
  • Aluminium or coloured frame.
  • Extreme robust holding frame made of eloxadized aluminium to hold your maps.
    Why 32 mm?
  • Two types of corners: Mitred or rounded made of chrome-plated plastic.
    Which one is better?
  • White magnetic board with transparent cover sheet to write on your own maps without damaging them.
  • Optional extra: Transparent sheets with grids to measure distances.
    Do I have to use a grid?
  • Optional extras: Magnet set or magnetic pawns, colored magnets as game tokens and plain ones to glue to your own pawns.
    Can I use other magnets?
  • Optional extra: Magnetic sheet to cover unexplored parts of the map or to make walls, trees, cars. Easy to cut. Various colors available.
  • Hand board on the wall: Screws and wall-plugs included.
  • For protection of your table: Self-adhesive felt for back side of GAMERBOARD included.
    Why the felt?

Our SHOP specializes in:

Features and Usage, Details

Multifunctional. This GAMERBOARD was made by gamers for gamers. Ideal for all tabletop miniature games and roleplaying games (RPG).

Robust aluminium holding frame. Insert transparent sheets, drawings and maps and clamp them with the holding frame. The holding frame prevents shifting of sheets and maps.

Magnetic whiteboard. It keeps all magnet-pawns in place. Use the colored magnet buttons as game-pawns or glue neodym-magnets to the lower side of your own game-pawns.

Transparent sheet is writable. The cover sheet is writable with whiteboard-markers. Draw additional details on the maps without damaging the maps.

Writable transparent sheets with grids: Various Hexagon-grids, (12 mm, 16 mm,...) and quadratic grids (10 mm, 12 mm,...) and others. Put a grid over prefabricated maps or your own drawings. The transparent sheets protect the maps and are writable.

Self-adhesive felt for the back side of the holding frame. For protection of your table. Prevents scratching of aluminium-frame on table.

Can be used as dice board through high frame of the GAMERBOARD. The dice no longer fall off the table.

Magnet sets: Colored magnet buttons, stackable, base diameter 10 mm, magnetic pawns, base diameter 12 mm, neodym-magnets, round, 6 mm diameter, 2 mm high and others.

For all pen-and-paper roleplay games (RPG), tabletop miniature and strategy games (consim/cosim).

More information


GAMERBOARD: Compatible Accessories ideal for tabletop miniature games and strategy games (consim/cosim)


What is the new idea?

Nothing is new. You could have made this board - we just did.

And you still can do it yourself.


Shipping Information

Why shipping from Austria is so expensive you have to ask your and our mail-service. The pricing does not seem to be logical.

Shipping Costs (SHOP)

The delivery of a parcel costs:
4,81 inside Austria
5,99 inside Germany
15,93 from Austria to Germany

Why these prices?

We do not produce too many GAMERBOARDS (see Sales Volume below). That is why our own purchasing conditions are not that good. Nevertheless it is still cheaper and less time-consuming to buy a ready-made GAMERBOARD than to make it yourself. See do-it-yourself-informations above.

Information (SHOP)

Mitred or rounded corners?

Rounded or mitred corners

We prefer the frame with mitred corners. It is a bit more robust (the rounded corners of the other board are made of plastic and can wear out a little) and it is easier to insert the sheets into this frame. On the other hand: You cannot hurt yourself with the rounded corners.

Which size is best?

We use an A3 GAMERBOARD. This is sufficient for our games (Pen and Paper RPG) and is easy to carry around. For strategy games (consim/cosim) or games with a 25 mm grid a larger GAMERBOARD might be better. But a larger board is not really suitable to be handed or carried around.


Information (SHOP)

Why a 32 mm frame?

A strong frame provides stability, for example when you hand the GAMERBOARD around. The springs in a stronger frame are more long-living too. A thin frame turned out to be too weak for a GAMERBOARD in continuous use.

Holding frame

Do I have to use a grid?

No. You can use the GAMERBOARD without grid and just sketch the map on the plain board.

Whiteboard. Writable with whiteboard markers.

Why the self-adhesive felt?

The felt protects the table. An aluminium-frame can leave scratches on soft surfaces and may leave marks on hard surfaces just like a pencil.

Self-adhesive felt for the back side of the holding frame. GAMERBOARD

Do you have other grids?

We can provide more and other transparent sheets with grids on demand.

Grids (SHOP)
Special Requests (SHOP)

I need more magnets!

On demand we can deliver more colored magnet buttons or neodym-disc-magnets.

Magnetic buttons 12 mm
Magnets Magnets

Magnets (SHOP)

Why 6 x 2, 5 x 3, 10 x 1, 15 x 1 or 20 x 1 mm?

Bigger neodym magnets under self-made pawns stand out and they cannot be laid close to each other. They tend to push each other away or attract each other. In self-made pawns always let the magnets have a certain distance to each other. Smaller magnets do not have enough adhesive force. 6 x 2, 5 x 3 mm, 10 x 1, 15 x 1 and 20 x 1 have turned out to be the best for GAMERBOARDS.

Magnetic Pawns:

These magnets can be placed close to each other up to 6 mm.

Can I use other magnets?

Yes. You may use other magnets than those offered by us. But please note: They have to be neodym-magnets, ordinary magnets are too weak. And they must not be too broad. If the magnets in the pawns are too broad, they tend to push each other apart or they attract each other, so you cannot place the pawns close to each other. In a 10 mm broad pawn the magnet should not be wider than 5 or 6 mm.

Magnetic pawns

The magnet-pawns shown above are nice, but they will always need about 10 mm space because their magnets are too broad.

Magnetic Pawns:

5 x 3 mm, 6 x 2 mm or 20 x 1 mm magnets can be placed close to each other up to 6 mm.

Magnetic pawns

Remove color shadows

After some time the whiteboard markers may leave some shadows. These shadows can be removed with a little cooking oil and then water and dish liquid! Crazy but true. ATTENTION! The printed side of the grid sheets is sensitive (and actually should not be written on at all!)! Use a soft cloth to avoid damaging the grid.

Fasten to wall

Construction manual


Construction manual

Chamfer edges

The frame is made from aluminium. If it has some sharp edges they can be chamfered white a fine rasp, even with a nail file. Always move the file from the upper side to the lower side, then you get no visible burrs on the surface.

Reinforced back

We offer the larger GAMERBOARDs optional with a reinforced back. The large GAMERBOARDs are suitable only for flat surfaces and are not made to be constantly carried around.

A reinforced back made of 3 mm hardboard makes them more stable and compensates this disadvantage. As we make this reinforcement ourselves (and not some little children in Asia) it is a little bit expensive because it takes some time to make it. But you can easily make it yourself if you want.

Reinforced back Construction manual (PDF)

Who are you?

We are gamers. It annoyed us that the pawns on the maps always got so easily disarranged. And we wanted to have a multifunctional map, a map you could write upon and erase the writing later, a map with a grid. That is why we made this GAMERBOARD. And no, we are not the people on the pictures. But we are certainly as pretty as they are...

Pictures of our company (SHOP)

Sales volume

Sales volume / year

2019:123 GAMERBOARDs
2018:121 GAMERBOARDs
2017:101 GAMERBOARDs

Customer countries:

Österreich [Austria] Deutschland [Germany] España [Spanien / Spain] Italia [Italien / Italy] Suomi [Finland] Sverige [Schweden / Sweden] Schweiz [Switzerland] USA Canada [Kanada] France [Frankreich] Norge [Norwegen / Norway] Great Britain [Großbritannien] Danmark [Dänemark / Denmark] Magyarorszag [Ungarn / Hungary] Polska [Polen / Poland] Nederland [Niederlande / Nethertland] Belgien [Belgien / Belgium] Ceska Republika [Tschechien / Czech Republic] Ελλáδa [Griechenland / Greece] Ireland [Irland] Romania [Rumänien] Australia [Australien] Hrvatska [Kroatien] Israel

Consumer information (PDF)

Methods of payment (SHOP)

Contact / legal notice

Gaming News


You can make a GAMERBOARD yourself.

Construction manual


GAMERBOARD: Compatible Accessories for all pen-and-paper roleplay games (RPG), tabletop miniature and strategy games (consim/cosim).


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